Terms & Conditions


To purpose of this policy is to outline the principles and process to enrol learners in training courses in a way that is accurate, consistent and compliant with the Standards for RTOs (2015).


Healthguard ensures that it adheres to the requirements for enrolling learners in training, as detailed by ASQA, including ensuring identification of learner needs and providing appropriate advice to learners regarding their suitability for training offered by Healthguard.


This policy applies to all staff involved in recruiting, interviewing, inducting and enrolling students in the Healthguard RTO.


1.1 Access and equity

  1. Healthguard is committed to promoting equity and diversity by ensuring services offered are provided in a fair and equitable manner to all learners 
  2. Healthguard abides by equal opportunity principles and will provide access to training regardless of gender, sex, pregnancy, race, marital status, sexuality, age, family/carer responsibilities, culture, linguistic background, disability, political conviction or religious belief

1.2 Learner inquiries

  1. General information about training offered by Healthguard is shared on the Healthguard website, as well as a copy of the student handbook which summarises a range of policy and procedure information
  2. Information is reviewed in line with the Healthguard Advertising and Marketing Policy
  3. Information advises that learners should contact Healthguard to discuss any training needs, and provides contact details
  4. Inquiries regarding training are received via the website, social media, phone and in person ‘walk ins’ to the main office
  5. Inquiries are responded to within 24 hours where possible

1.3 Course availability

  1. Healthguard reserves the right to schedule and promote intakes for training courses at selected locations and times where it is best resourced. This means that not all courses listed on the scope of registration or the Healthguard website will be offered at all possible locations or dates. Some courses will be shown as “on enquiry”
  2. In line with the Healthguard Fees and Refunds policy, Healthguard reserves the right to cancel or transfer learner enrolment to a different course occurrence where insufficient enrolments or changes to available training resources means the scheduled training course is not viable
  3. Should enrolment numbers for a course reach maximum, and another person wishes to enrol on a course where there is a tentative enrolment, Healthguard First Aid will first contact the tentative booking for payment confirmation or forfeiture of the tentative booking

1.4 Pre-enrolment interview

  1. Where an issue relating to the suitability of a learner to complete a training course is identified, a Healthguard staff member will contact the prospective learner to conduct a pre-enrolment interview. This may include issues relating to:
    1. Existing language, literacy or numeracy levels
    2. Previous levels of education
    3. Specific support needs
    4. Delivery mode, such as issues with online content
    5. Assessment requirements, such as access to the workplace
    6. Course entry requirements
  2. If at the end of the interview it is determined the learner is not suitable for enrolment in a Healthguard course, they will be provided with an explanation and suggestions for alternative options, if available
  3. If the interview confirms the learner is a suitable applicant for the training course, then their details and payment will be organised and an enrolment form sent
  4. Although Healthguard works from the philosophy that all people should have an opportunity to engage in training for personal and professional growth, Healthguard reserves to right to refuse enrolment to a learner where the individuals needs cannot be met, or where a learner is unable to meet the entry requirements or established Healthguard requirements for undertaking training

1.5 Enrolment process

  1. Healthguard uses VETMate to manage enrolment electronically, including collection and verification of USI. The enrolment form can be accessed via the website booking process, or sent as an email link by Healthguard staff/co-providers
  2. A paper based version of the enrolment form is available for learners who cannot complete the enrolment process electronically
  3. Completion of required information and payment of course fees will be recorded in VETMate. This will update learner progress in the course pipeline (traffic light coloured dot system)
  4. The enrolment process includes gaining confirmation from learners that they understand and agree to requirements of being a learner with Healthguard. This links to information shared in the Student Handbook
  5. Enrolment for any RPL/credit transfer will follow this same process
  6. VETMate will send learner information to via email. This includes information regarding:
    1. Logging in to online system
    2. Access to training materials and any pre-course requirements
    3. General information about course including any units of competency
    4. Details of attending training course (date, time, location, what to bring)
    5. Provision of any outstanding information to Healthguard
  7. The learner will appear in the course occurrence in VETMate, with all relevant information available to Healthguard Staff and allocated trainer
  8. Enrolment must be completed at least 24 hours prior to the course occurrence
  9. Enrolment will be considered tentative until payment is received


1.6 Group enrolment

  1. Healthguard works with a number of organisations who organise group courses for their staff/volunteers
  2. A course manager will be appointed by the organisation for these courses to assist in enrolment and course arrangements
  3. All learners are required to enrol with Healthguard. A group booking form in VETMate can be used to start this process
  4. Learners will be asked to agree for copies of their certification to be shared with organisations who are paying for group training, to ensure Healthguard complies with requirements for issuance of certificates to persons other than the learner

1.7 Cancellation of enrolment

  1. Learners may cancel their enrolment before or during their training course
  2. Healthguard may cancel a learners enrolment before or during a training course, with an appropriate reason being provided to the learner
  3. A learner who cancels their enrolment must reapply for enrolment should they wish to resume training for the course
  4. If enrolment is canceled by Healthguard due to reasons outside the learner’s control, Healthguard will arrange for re-enrolment of the learner into another course occurrence if the learner so wishes
  5. Cancellation of enrolment and any refund of fees will be in line with the Healthguard Fees and Refund Policy